The Métis Nation of Ontario Cultural Commission (MNOCC) received a three-year funding grant of $200,000 from the NIB Trust Fund in an effort to further reconciliation with the Survivors of the Residential School System and their descendants.
The “Métis School Experience” proposal was one of 70 projects selected by the NIB Trust Fund for 2022-23. In April 2022, the NIB Trust announced $7.52 million in total funds had been allocated for reconciliation and healing projects proposed by Métis and First Nation communities. Also eligible for consideration were Indigenous organizations, museums, and educational institutions.

The NIB Trust Fund supports education programs aimed at healings and reconciliation to assist and empower Indigenous communities addressing the lasting-legacy of the residential schools; by funding the creation of resources and opportunities to improve the quality of life for Indigenous communities. Funding also supports educational programs aimed at healing and reconciliation, including the revitalization of Métis arts and culture.